Addressing The Climate Challenge.


New York has one of the world’s largest economies. Our emissions are a significant part of the nation’s greenhouse gas burden, so what we do to lessen our emissions makes a significant difference. Scientists and most people agree that global climate change is an existential threat to us, our children and grandchildren, and our planet.

We can make New York a world leader in building a 100% clean renewable homegrown energy economy by 2050. With locally produced energy supporting local communities and good paying green jobs that cannot be outsourced, by streamlining the siting of solar and wind farms, by creating meaningful incentives for electric vehicles and solar installations, and by requiring new build to be energy-neutral  — We can do this! If we learn from cities and states around the world who have made these changes, — We can do this!

We can have a completely green New York, which will protect the environment from the grave dangers of climate change, build the local economy, and create sustainable jobs right here in New York.